Cegid is an international company and a leading provider of enterprise and vertical software solutions geared to improve company performance and assist in IT development and digital transformation with more than 2,000 employees and annual sales of €300 million in 2015.

We bring functional expertise to customers around the world, giving you long-term benefits you’re your investments. We have a direct presence in Europe (France, UK, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Russia), the USA, Brazil, Africa (Morocco), Dubai and Asia (Japan, China, Hong Kong), and a global network of trained and certified partners.

Working with LLamasoft for a Better Supply Chain

LLamasoft supply chain design software helps organizations worldwide design and improve their supply chain operations. LLamasoft solutions enable companies across a wide range of industries to model, optimize and simulate their supply chain network, leading to major improvements in cost, service, sustainability and risk mitigation.

SupplyChainBrain, the world’s most comprehensive supply chain management information resource, is accessed year round through a wide range of ever evolving multi-media formats by hundreds of thousands of senior level industry executives. In addition to addressing the fundamental principles of supply-chain management, SupplyChainBrain identifies emerging trends, technologies and best practices, forward thinking ideas and cutting-edge solutions-and continues to write and report about these as they evolve and mature.

易货嘀(杭州传化货嘀科技有限公司)成立于2014 年7 月,隶属于传化物流,即传化集团、上市公司传化股份(股票代码:002010)旗下公司。作为G20 杭州峰会指定城市配送服务商,易货嘀一直致力于打造国内“专业的城市物流无车承运人”。通过“31131 标准化整车服务”、“零担嘀士智能化拼车服务”、“KA-SDS 定制化供应链解决方案”三大业务场景,为企业级客户提供确定性的城配服务。


欧睿团队的业务领域横跨商品管理、供应链管理、信息技术、算法应用和运筹学等。团队成员深度理解中国市场和企业。在丰富的行业实践与理解的基础上,依托大数据,利用人工智能、云计算等相关技术以“打造智慧供应链-oIBP大数据驱动的中国企业预测与决策平台”为核心,推出 “oIBP(o-Integrated Business Predicting & Decision-Making)”企业级服务产品。


上海众度供应链管理有限公司是绿地商贸集团全资子公司。众度依托绿地优质完善的仓储设施,形成综合物流供应链的管理平台,并基于云计算、大数据和区块链新一代信息技术,为食品、电子、连锁餐饮等行业提供供应链技术解决方案和业务解决方案,同时支持用户及其生意伙伴实现采购、生产、销售、仓储、保险、运输、交付、结算和金融的智能连接和业务融合,实现商流、物流、信息流、票据流和资金流OMO 五流融合,成为全球领先的供应链服务平台。

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